International manhunt for 2 adults believed to have missing child

Posted at 2:26 PM, June 11, 2024 and last updated 12:57 PM, June 11, 2024

PULLMAN, Wash. (Court TV) — Local and federal investigators are working together to search for a father, the toddler he’s accused of abducting and his fiancée in a search that has spanned multiple states and now Mexico.

photos of Seraya Aung Harmon, Aaron Aung and Nadia Cole

Police are searching for Seraya Aung Harmon, who may be with Nadia Cole and Aaron Aung. (Pullman Police Department)

Police in Pullman, Wash., announced an arrest warrant for Aaron Daniel Aung, 21, on charges of custodial interference after he failed to return his 2-year-old daughter, Seraya Aung Harmon, to her mother at a custody exchange on June 3.

Pullman police said that Aung, who lives in Moscow, Idaho, was seen buying camping equipment and a Montana map book, and was initially believed to have taken his daughter to Montana. But police say their investigation revealed that Aung never went to Montana, and instead headed towards Mexico.

The two were last seen on May 29, the same day Aung’s fiancée, Nadia Cole, was reported missing from Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. Cole, 21, was reported missing by her family, with whom she was scheduled to leave on a trip to Europe.

A private investigator hired by Cole’s family told KING that she left her belongings at the airport gate to use the restroom, but was later seen leaving the airport with a “distressed expression.” The last sighting of Cole on camera is outside of the airport near a light rail platform. In a statement to KING, Cole’s parents said, “We are utterly devastated by her disappearance and are fervently praying for her safe return.”

Seraya’s mother, Samara Harmon, issued a direct plea to Aung while speaking with KHQ-TV: “Please just bring her home. That’s all I care about, that’s all the police care about right now. Just bring her home. Please. I am begging you with every bit of me. I know we’ve had issues in the past and all of that and I’m not even focusing on that. I just want to see my daughter again. I just need to know that she’s okay. Please, please please bring her home.”

Police said Cole and Aung are believed to be together in a black 2014 Cadillac XTS with Idaho license 1L5147U.

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