Latest Crime & Trial News

Carly Gregg wipes away tears
photo of brittanee drexel
Kimberlee Singler
man exits house
Booking photo of Kadel Piedrahita
woman leaves court
Latah County Judge John C. Judge presides over an arraignment hearing for Bryan Kohberger
karen read appears in court
woman places pin on sheriff's uniform
split screen of Chad Richards and Kara Welsh
Elderly female defendant in a purple prison jumper sits at defense table.
booking photos of James Shirah and Savahna Collier
house with flowers outside
defendant reading paper statement in court
split screen of colin and colt gray in court
bryan kohberger appears in court
Large, bearded, white-haired defendant Kevin Sehmer looks straight at the camera.
Deobra Redden plea
Colin Gray
Hannah Gutierrez sits in court
woman smiles
Woman Laurie Shaver sits in courtroom
Booking photo of Colt Gray
alec baldwin appears in court
Ann Trexler
Officers escort Richard Matthew Allen
side-by-side photos of Dana Shepherd and Carmen Van Huss
exterior of house
shackled man appears in court
Victor Malavet sits in court