Latest Crime & Trial News

megan boswell reacts to verdict
michael proctor testifies
zachary hughes appears in court
A$AP Rocky
sketch shows man at podium with Sean Combs in court
erin strotman mugshot
Colin Gray walks into court
photo of a smiling girl next to a man walking in white jumpsuit
split screen lee and herrington
memorial for Julian Wood
Monica Sementilli appears in court
close up of elderly, grey-haired female defendant in a purple prison jumper
Young man in a crisp white shirt walks with a purpose.
Karen Read in court
A$AP Rocky appears in court
Elderly woman in prison jumper sits at defense table.
side by side of male testifying in court and female defendant
Splitscreen of two gorgeous Hollywood A-list types.
oren and alon alexander appear in court
television reporter Adan Manzano
Ashley Benefield at bond hearing
Gerald Radford testifies in court
Karen Read sits next to Alan Jackson in court
Jennifer Gledhill enters court
Marcus Jordan is seen speaking with officers
Collin Griffith appears in court
penny mcgee appears in court
Jackie Johnson testifies