Becky Hill

Rebecca 'Becky' Hill was the Clerk of Court in Colleton County, S.C. for Alex Murdaugh's 2023 murder trial, and was later accused of ethics violations.

Mandy Pearson speaks to the camera
Alex Murdaugh looks on in court
alex murdaugh appears in court
Photo shows alex murdaugh laying in a holding cell
Becky Hill testifies in court
Julie Grant with a pic of Becky Hill's presser on the monitor.
Alex Murdaugh (left), Becky Hill (right)
Juror Z testified that Becky Hill Influenced verdict.
Alex Murdaugh looks on in court
Becky Hill's body language assessed by expert.
Justice Toal sits on the bench
Alex Murdaugh sits with his attorneys in court
split screen showing Becky HIll and her book
split screen of book cover and man speaking to camera
split screen showing Becky HIll and her book
Becky Hill reads from a paper in court
letter with highlighting
Alex Murdaugh (left), Becky Hill (right)
Splitscreen of Alex Murdaugh and Becky Hill.

Will Becky Hill Wind Up Behind Bars?

Julie Grant and guests discuss whether Becky Hill, who's the focus of two investigations by the SC state ethics commission, will go to jail. More

November 29, 2023

A woman reads a verdict in court
typed text, highlighted in yellow, with some redactions
Jeffrey Hill
Jeff Hill, son of Becky Hill.
GFX of Becky Hill's denial of allegations.
split screen of alex murdaugh and becky hill
alex murdaugh testifies
Alex Murdaugh stands in court
A woman in a suit speaks to the camera in a documentary