Sex Crimes

Rape, sexual assault and molestation are some of the violent ways offenders commit these heinous crimes.

Jay-Z & Diddy
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jayz and diddy
Mia Campos and Jesus Monroy
side by side of defendant and victim
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sketch shows man at podium with Sean Combs in court
Famous Black man on a fancy stage holds a mic.
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photo of Stephan Sterns
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photo of a smiling girl next to a man walking in white jumpsuit
Laura Caron sits in court
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News anchor displays a photo of a young teen girl murder victim.
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oren and alon alexander appear in court
side by side male and female
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Stephan Sterns in custody
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David Pearce and Brandt Osborn
David Pearce Verdict
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Pretty blonde lady in a selfie that looks like it was taken at a gym.
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rachel morin smiles in a photograph
Booking photo of Stephan sterns
Photo of Sean 'Diddy' Combs on red carpet
Photo of Sean 'Diddy' Combs in a tux
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Harvey Weinstein appears in State Supreme Court for a hearing
black and white photo of a murder suspect next to a list of the charges he faces.
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Court TV anchors
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split screen of prosecutor and laura caron
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Handsome news anchor sits at his anchor desk. There's a picture of a pretty blonde young woman on a screen.
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Can Someone Be Too Hot for Jail?

Vinnie Politan discusses the case against Laura Caron, the teacher who allegedly had a 13-year-old student's baby, as well as similar cases. More

January 21, 2025

Laura Caron sits in court
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Laura Caron sits in court
julie grant with mugshot in monitor
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