Jason Chen

Jason Chen was found guilty of first-degree premeditated murder and abuse of a corpse in the 2022 death of 22-year-old Jasmine Pace. Prosecutors argued Chen murdered Pace before leaving her remains in a suitcase.

Jason Chen Sentenced
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prosecutor delivers closing in jason chen trial
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female testifying with victim impact statement
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mother pleads on the stand in court
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jason chen appears in court
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jason chen enters court
crime scene photo shows luminol reaction
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Bloody Carpet
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Jason Chen Suitcase
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split screen photo of Jason Chen and vicitm
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Splitscreen: Mugshot of a young Asian male, and a close-up photo (possibly a selfie) of a young caucasian woman.
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Splitscreen: Mug shot of a 20-something asian male and a family photo of a 20-something white woman
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Female witness wears a red blazer in court. She looks sad.
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suitcase shown in trial of Jason Chen
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