Cold Cases

The worst fear of any case is becoming cold. Cold cases refer to the crimes that remain unsolved for weeks, years or even decades.

head on and profile mugshots of a grey-haired woman in a green and white striped prison jumper.
photo of young girl
photo of little girl
photo of young girl beauty queen
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young girl smiling in a pageant
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Smiling girl with blonde curly hair, JonBenet Ramsey
Forensic artists' facial reconstruction of the skull of a little girl.
splitscreen of a child's pink dress and a forensic artist's rendition of a little girl based on CT scan images.
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Splitscreen of an older man's mug shot and a journalist standing outside a courthouse
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Steven Lawson, Joseph Lawson, and Brooks Houck
photo of woman dressed in clown costume
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Suffolk Co DA Ray Tierney shows photos at a press conference
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black and white artist sketches of an unidentified asian victim
linda stanley speaks to reporters
photo of brittanee drexel
side-by-side photos of Dana Shepherd and Carmen Van Huss
Adnan Syed walks with his mother.
portrait of woman smiling
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side by side photos of christopher and Melissa Wolfenbarger
Man in suit is interviewed
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Edrick Faust
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man in jumpsuit and woman's portrait
portrait of woman
Michael Bates Jr.
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john carter appears in court
John Carter walks out of courtroom after sentencing.
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Could David Swift Walk Free?

David Swift's defense presents a motion to dismiss, arguing that the statute of limitations expired prior to the indictment. More

July 2, 2024

Vinnie Politan stands in Winn Dixie parking lot
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FL v. Malarik: The Winn Dixie Murder

When Sherri Malarik was found dead in a Winn Dixie parking lot, suspicion fell on her husband Greg. 20 years later, a former lover's confession... More

July 1, 2024

combo image of woman and man