Shawn Stines

Letcher County Sheriff Shawn 'Mickey' Stines is accused of fatally shooting District Judge Kevin Mullins in chambers following an argument.

Handsome news anchor in a bubblegum pink tie looks shocked as he displays a splitscreen photo of a judge and a middle-aged man.
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Shawn 'Mickey' Stines
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photo of judge
photo of judge
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judge kevin mullins
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A man sits in court wearing handcuffs
side by side of defendant and witness
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Shawn stines in court
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Middle-aged man in a ballcap stands next to a teen girl whose face is blurred. They appear to be at a lake.
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Mug shot of a middle-aged man who's just over 6 feet tall.
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Shawn Stines appears in court
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Shawn Stines
Shawn Mickey Stines
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police officer behind desk
Stines shoots Judge Mullins
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photo of male judge
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Circuit Judge sign
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man with glasses as defendant in court
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Shawn 'Mickey' Stines in court
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surveillance video shows shooting in judge's chambers
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surveillance video shows a man holding a gun
picture of sheriff
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Shawn Stiles
Former Sheriff Shawn 'Mickey' Stines
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Photo and text from shawn stines resignation letter
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police officer behind desk
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Shawn 'Mickey' Stines
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man's mugshot
Shawn 'Mickey' Stines
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Sheriff Shawn Stines stands between two men on camera
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