Murder & Mayhem

Delve into the chilling realm of crime, where murder, mystery and chaos reign, and the ultimate battle for justice that follows.

Karen Read sits in court
karen read appears in court
Michael Jackson-Bolanos testifies in court
Defendant Michael Jackson-Bolanos takes the stand. Jackson-Bolanos is charged with murdering Samantha Woll, a synagogue leader who was found dead outside of her Detroit home.
Darrin Lopez
Michael Jackson-Bolanos testifies in court
A grand jury has indicted suspect, Victor Martinez-Hernandez, who's accused of raping and beating Rachel Morin to death while she was out jogging in Maryland in Aug. 2023.
Court TV feels the jury didn't hear everything in the Karen Read trial because the way the case was tried, with two cases seemingly being tried at once: Karen Read for murder and the investigators and the Canton Police for an alleged cover-up.

Could David Swift Walk Free?

David Swift's defense presents a motion to dismiss, arguing that the statute of limitations expired prior to the indictment. More

July 2, 2024

Bearded, grey-haired man in grey prison stripes.
A photograph shows a woman showing injuries to her face
wade wilson appears in court
judge addresses lawyers

The Day After the Karen Read Mistrial

The day after the Karen Read mistrial, Julie Grant's top story investigates what mistakes led to the mistrial and what could be done better next... More

July 2, 2024

Carly Gregg sits next to her attorney in court