Murder & Mayhem

Delve into the chilling realm of crime, where murder, mystery and chaos reign, and the ultimate battle for justice that follows.

Dale Warner appeared before a judge for a preliminary hearing and pleaded not guilty. Dale is charged with murder in the death of his wife, Dee Warner, who disappeared on April 25, 2021, and whose body has not been found.
Inmate testifies in court
Summer Shiflet and Nate Eaton
Photo of Alec Baldwin
Sarah Boone smiles as she leaves court
Sarah Boone appears in court
john carter appears in court
john carter appears in court
Alyssa Jane Venable DMv photo
split screen of vinnie politan and guest
photo of rex heuermann with text pullout
surveillance video shows Karen Read's SUV in a sallyport
After the jury told the court they were hung, they were instructed to continue deliberations and later returned with a verdict. David Swift was charged with the murder of his wife, Karen Swift.
split screen shows rex heuermann in court and suffolk county da at news conference
Sgt. Yuriy Bukhenik testifies at Karen Read's trial.
A police officer hangs his head while testifying in court