Casey Anthony

11 years ago, a Florida jury shocked the world when they acquitted Casey Anthony of murdering her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee.

A woman testifies in court
A photograph shows Casey Anthony holding an electric guitar, sitting next to Caylee Anthony.
A man in a light jacket testifies in court
A man speaks into the microphone from the witness stand
Casey Anthony sits behind computer monitors in court
photo shows crime scene tape and wooded area

48-FL v. Anthony: Jennifer Welch

CSI Jennifer Welch takes the stand in Casey Anthony's murder trial. The jury sees photos from where Caylee Anthony's body was found. More

July 21, 2020

a photo shows crime scene tape at the spot where Caylee Anthony's body was found
A man in a suit testifies in court.
A makeshift memorial shows the site where Caylee Anthony's body was found.
A woman sits on the witness stand as a large bag of evidence is on the table
Anthony Warren testifies in court.
A woman testifies in court.
Dr. Neal Haskell testifies in court.
A woman wearing gloves holds up evidence for the jury
A man holds a brown paper evidence bag
Stephen Shaw testifies in court.
A woman testifies in court
Photo shows cards in a box
Cindy Anthony pulls in her lips as she sits on the witness stand.
Bobby Williams testifies in court