Lindsay Shiver files motion claiming she can’t see her kids

Posted at 1:12 PM, January 10, 2024 and last updated 12:25 PM, January 10, 2024

THOMASVILLE, Ga. (Court TV) — Lindsay Shiver has filed a motion in Georgia claiming that her estranged husband, Robert, whom she is accused of masterminding a plot to kill, is withholding their children.

Lindsay shiver is seen smiling in the Bahamas

Lindsay Shiver is seen smiling outside of a courthouse in the Bahamas on Dec. 21, 2023. (Court TV)

Lindsay is currently facing charges for the alleged murder-for-hire plot in the Bahamas, but a judge there allowed her to travel to the United States over the holidays to see her young children, whom she shares with Robert.

Lindsay’s attorneys filed a motion on Jan. 3 claiming that despite traveling to the U.S., her husband has not allowed her to see the children despite previously offering terms under which she could do so.

In the motion, Lindsay’s attorneys said that Robert originally agreed to allow the children to have visitation with Lindsay that would be supervised by her parents.

“When the Bahamian court released the Defendant to come to the States on December 21, 2023, Plaintiff suddenly reneged on his earlier proposal and broke the parties’ temporary understanding, citing the expert opinion of an unnamed child psychologist whose identity he refuses to disclose, despite the children’s pleas to see their mother, and despite Defendant’s willingness to agree to a court-ordered prohibition on discussing any pending legal matters with the children.”

Lindsay said she has only been allowed to speak to her children once, over FaceTime on one of the children’s devices on Christmas Day, but has otherwise been unable to reach them. Her attorneys said that Robert’s mother has also tried to facilitate visitation for Lindsay to no avail.

An attached exhibit, an email between Lindsay and Robert’s attorneys, revealed his lawyer saying, “Mr. Shiver is not agreeable to visitation.”

The motion alleges that Robert began withholding the children from Lindsay “long before any of the developments in the Bahamas,” when he was “moving money around to various accounts beyond Defendant’s reach, and was taking the children away from her care and refusing her contact with them.”

Since filing for divorce, Robert has been romantically linked to reality star Savannah Chrisley.