Timothy and Tracy Ferriter

Banner of Tim and Tracy Ferriter Timothy and Tracy Ferriter were charged with child abuse after allegedly locking their adopted teenage son in an 8x8 enclosure in their garage.

split screen shows Tracy Ferriter in court and prosecutor Karen Black
woman appears in court between attorneys
woman apepars in court
Court TV Super Tuesday graphic

True Crime Super Tuesday

Julie Grant tackles the many cases trending in true crime on Jan. 16, 2024, including Alex Murdaugh, who is fighting for a new murder trial.... More

January 17, 2024

Tracy ferriter walks courthouse hall with her attorney.
A woman sits in court
Tracy Ferriter covers her face with her hand in court
split screen of zoom court hearing with judge, attorneys
top 5 trials countdown graphic
Tim Ferriter appears in handcuffs
booking photo of Tracy Ferriter
A woman sits in court
A woman sits with her hand over her face
Tracy Ferriter sits in court
Hire a Monster
GFX quote from Mazda saying they never offered Tim Ferriter a job.
GFX of Mazda announcing that Tim Ferriter's job offer was fake.
Tim Ferriter sits in court
Tim Ferriter listens to sentencing
Tim Ferriter listens to his son's victim impact statement
Prya Murad
Tim Ferriter listens to sentencing
Tim Ferriter listens to his son's victim impact statement
Tim Ferriter addresses the court during sentencing
Ferriter listens to verdict.
Ferriter GFX guilty.
Tim Ferriter sits in court
Tim Ferriter appears in handcuffs
A man is handcuffed in court
A woman sits with her hand over her face