Kids Who Kill

Murders and mass killings carried out by minors depict an especially terrifying type of true crime.

Colin & Colt Gray mug shots.
woman anchor in black jacket
split screen shows barrow co da at press conference and booking photos of colin and colt gray
split screen of colin and colt gray in court
Apalachee High School memorial
Colin Gray
Colt Gray
splitscreen of 4 still photos
photos of a man, woman and two teenager victims
Apalachee High School
splitscreen of the outside of a high school and a police officer delivering a press conference
Carly Gregg stands in court
Carly Gregg sits in court
mother and daughter smiling at the beach
court tv logo
Dan Eisenbrei speaks at podium
sydney powell appears in court
Young woman in court
Carly Gregg sits in court during a motions hearing
Carly Gregg sits in court
Four Las Vegas teenagers plead guilty in death of Jonathan Lewis Jr.
young male defendant looks worried as he awaits a verdict announcement
woman with braids sits in courtroom
The 'Gilbert Goons.'
The 'Gilbert Goons'
Young blonde female attorney in a hot pink blazer and black blouse delivers an animated argument.
mugshot of man
Brunette woman lays on the ground in shock
Young woman crying in court
Carly Gregg, who allegedly fatally shot her mother and tried to kill her stepfather was back in court today where a judge ruled that cameras will be permitted in the courtroom at her upcoming trial.