Murder & Mayhem

Delve into the chilling realm of crime, where murder, mystery and chaos reign, and the ultimate battle for justice that follows.

grant amato appears in court
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split screen of grant amato and prosecutor
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split screen of defense attorney and jason amato
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split screen of grant and jason amato
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split screen of grant amato and defense attorney
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split screen of grant amato and prosecutor
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grant amato appears in court
surveillance photo of parking lot
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exterior of convenience store
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Landon Terrell sits in court
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Court TV anchors sit on set
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Landon Terrel in court.
Landon Terrel raises his arm
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michael drejka in police interrogation room
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Vinnie Politan and another man show gloves in a monitor
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Four Court TV anchors sit on a couch
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grant amato sits in court
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prosecutor addresses the jury, grant amato in double box
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defense attorney addresses the jury
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prosecutor addresses the jury
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rendering shows interior of house floor plan
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judge addresses court
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a witness testifies in court
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four people sit on Court TV couch
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photo shows two smiling men
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side by side boxes show witness and grant amato
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