Weird Crimes

While crime is serious, these crimes – or at least the criminals allegedly committing them – are unusual and, at times, downright weird.

man leaping over judicial bench
Pierce Brosnan stands in front of a Netflix background
A young boy sits in a police cruiser
a police cruiser is parked outside of a building that says 'police department'
A man and woman embrace
Needle in foreground, dog in background
Ryan Delanty
book returned 104 years late.
Mattioli verdict announced.
GFX of a runner next to a Tesla.
Woman caught having freeway sex.
Porch pirate steals potted plant.

Potted Plant Porch Pirate

Man caught on Ring cam loading SUV with items from porch, including a huge plant, stole so much stuff he had trouble closing the hatchback. More

November 22, 2023

Cops find meth in a man's cup.
Man throws fit at McDonald's drive thru window.
Jeff Hill, son of Becky Hill.

Taunted Elk Strikes Back

A man visiting Yellowstone National Park decided to taunt an elk. The elk fought back... and won! Elk: 1 Man:0. More

November 10, 2023

Stolen golden toilet that was part of an art exhibit.
Woman who swung ax at roommate.
Tuba player punches heckler at college football game.