Court TV

Splitscreen of a female witness testifying and the male defendant hunched over sobbing
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Young, blonde female witness in a floral print blouse clutches tissues on the stand
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Large, bald, bespectacled attorney speaks animatedly at a podium.
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Splitscreen of defendant sobbing and judge on bench
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Older, male defendant with grey hair and a goatee wears an orange jump suit.
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young teenage girl looks up as she's sentenced.
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Teen girl sobs in court
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female attorney gives a gun demonstration in court
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Home security camera footage of a home's kitchen. Teen girl is seen feeding dogs.
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Blonde, professional looking middle aged woman in a suit on the witness stand.
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Blonde, middle aged man in a suit testifies.
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Splitscreen of a female news anchor on-set and the man she's interviewing.
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Elderly woman in glasses and prison garb listens in court.
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Middle-aged, blonde male witness raises his right hand to swear in.
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Marcee Gray mug shot
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Colin Gray
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Colin & Colt Gray mug shots.
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Victim to Verdict Season 2 Graphic
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Elderly female defendant in a purple prison jumper sits at defense table.
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woman anchor in black jacket
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woman defendant leaving court
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Apalachee High School memorial
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Deobra Redden Pleads Guilty
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Law clerk Michael Lasso
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Graphic of a man lunging at a judge and splitscreen of a defendant at the defense table and a female witness on the stand.
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Man in an orange prison jumper is wheeled into court in a wheelchair.
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photos of a man, woman and two teenager victims
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photo of baby girl
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Older gentleman with grey, slicked-back hair, sharp suit and thick black glasses sits at defense table
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